Vet Consent Form

I have engaged the services of Harewood Cattery to care for my pet(s) during my absence from home. This authorisation is to remain in effect now and for any of my future absences until I otherwise notify you. In the event of an illness or injury, I authorise Harewood to bring in my pet(s) for whatever medical treatment may be required. I further authorise you to give out any information and/or veterinarian records pertaining to my pet(s) to Harewood Cattery if necessary. I will assume full responsibility upon my return for payment of all services rendered. If my specific veterinarian is not available for any reason, or the emergency should happen outside regular office hours, I authorise Harewood Cattery to take my pet(s) to the nearest emergency or veterinary clinic that can render assistance. Euthanasia must not take place without my consent or the consent of my nominated contact, unless deemed imperative for the welfare of the cat by a qualified veterinarian. In the unlikely event that my pet is euthanised I would like the remains to be: a) incinerated or b) stored/frozen until my return. (please select a or b).
DD slash MM slash YYYY
MM slash DD slash YYYY

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